Friday, February 10, 2017

The coveted 4

Its amazing to think that what different roads our THM Journeys take us. Here I was plucking along unhappy in my post baby body. Begging for the scale to move and my pants to suddenly fit again. 
 (right, is me)

I pushed myself to press on. Trying to give myself grace. Trying to remind myself that it takes time. EVEN if you never get back to where you were healthy is better. After a month I lost some pounds.. but then 3 months later there I was stalled. fluctuating between the same infuriating 5 pounds. Pleading with the scale to move. But though the scale stopped moving I began to notice that I could keep my pants up (like in a wonderfully infuriating way, haha). Then I noticed I could pull them on and off without unbuttoning them. Which brought me to last night. I just desperately wanted a pair of pants that would stay up. Feeling brave I reached for an 8. I couldn't believe my eyes when they pulled up buttoned. So feeling unsure and scared of getting shot down I reached for the 4 and to my utter amazement they fit, perfectly. Thank you Jesus!

Keep Pressing on Ladies. Healthy Looks Good on you!

Happy Healthy!

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